trendz_web_april_may_2016_chadstoneThe Olympics provide plenty of incentives for couch athletes to adopt more active lifestyles and dream up plans to transform themselves into well-chiseled sports machines. We know; it’s a stretch. Nonetheless, marketers at Chadstone – The Fashion Capital want to believe in them and are even willing to give them a hand. They came up with Ready for Rio – Fitspiration for the Nation, a campaign and online guide that outlines a series of events that the Australian center hosted during the month of June to foster fitness—from a meet-and-greet with national swimming champion Mack Horton to a mindfulness workshop with psychologist Dr. Pree Benton to KX Yoga workouts for World Yoga Day (June 21).

The guide was available as of June 17. After that, no more excuses for Chadstone shoppers to remain on the couch.

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