Advertising in Trendz

Marketing Trendz is a contemporary full-color newsletter-style digital magazine that offers advertising campaign case studies, consumer research, brand positioning strategies, how-to marketing ideas, and more to shopping center and retail professionals around the world.

Targeted Distribution

Marketing Trendz delivers your company and product message directly to shopping center executives and center-based marketing directors.

The Market

Marketing Trendz is the only marketing magazine of its kind available to the shopping center market today. Don’t miss this opportunity to include Trendz in your advertising plan.

Your Vehicle, Your Decision

There are several ways to use Marketing Trendz to your advantage. Just peruse this advertising roster and take your pick:

Display Ads in Our Digital Editions

Take the outside back cover of Marketing Trendz to display your full page ad in color or in black & white.

Digital Distribution Sponsorships

Sign up as a sponsor of one of our special digital editions and reach more than 9,400 shopping center decision-makers. Choose between full Marketing Trendz and Tactics Magazine digital distribution or focus on a particular market, be it North America, Australia/New Zealand, or UK/Europe. The sponsorship comes with your company logo and a multimedia feature.

Submitted Material Specification

Electronic files must include all fonts and support files. Mac format preferred (Adobe Creative Suite). We recommend delivering your files in PDF format. If using PDF files, please be sure to embed all fonts and images.

Production Services

In-house production and design available upon request. Talk to us about terms and conditions.

Advertise on this Website

Contact us to discover your options for banner advertising on the Trendz site.

For advertising rates, ad closing/copy deadlines and other information, please contact Marianne Svensson.

4416 Dawson Street
Burnaby, BC V5C 4B9

PMB 4416, 250 H Street
Blaine, WA 98230

Toll Free: 1-800-665-2115
Phone: (604) 294-6671
Fax: (604) 294-9421

Toll free from Australia:
Phone: 1-800-005-583
Fax: 1-800-005-589

Toll free from the United Kingdom
Phone: 0800 404 9413
Fax: 0800 404 9414